Professional pet boarding and training on Sauvie Island
Home of 2022 National Field Champion
NFC/ NAFC/ GFC/ FC/ AFC Tian Elhew Verbena
Dog & Cat Boarding
We offer deluxe dog and cat boarding facilities for all breeds, large and small. All dogs are boarded in a beautiful country atmosphere, shaded by trees in the summer, most with a landscaped courtyard view. Every dog has a clean indoor sleeping area and a full outdoor run. We have a separate Cattery for our feline guests with a large window and perches to nap upon. Each feline guest has a full floor to ceiling cat condo.
All Breed Obedience Training
Our all breed obedience program is offered each month. We teach your dog the basics of good manners. The commands include sit, stay, down, come, heel and no, both on and off lead. Our program includes boarding for 30 days and several private lessons with the owners to learn and practice the technique of handling their dog.
Upland Bird Dog Training
We have developed a training program for pointing dogs which we have found highly successful to the upland bird hunter. In this program, your dog stays at the kennel for three months. We teach your dog to work for you, and we dedicate many hours of our time to you in our owner work sessions. Your dog will be exposed to a variety of game birds, introduced to the gun in a positive manner, and be pointing steady to wing.
AKC Canine Good Citizen
Started in 1989, the AKC Canine Good Citizen program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. All dogs who pass the 10 step Canine Good Citizen test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club. CGC training enhances the bond between you and your dog and you will discover the many benefits and pleasures of working with your dog.